Comparison of Userpilot and Appcues

Userpilot and Appcues

Internet apps and software are often so designed as to enable users to access various options through intuition. Often not everyone’s intuition is equally well-developed. Thus to facilitate the user in learning the use of new software, some additional framework is needed that uses tools like tooltips, nudges, etc., to guide the user as they get on board with a new app. Userpilot and Appcues are two such tools. Before going into Userpilot vs. Appcues comparison, it is important to understand their purpose.

Userpilot and Appcues are two tools meant to offer different solutions for the same problem – how to get one’s workforce on board with the modern software of one’s enterprise. It is important to change with changing times just to survive and stay relevant. One of the biggest examples in this regard is digitalization. As more and more businesses get their own apps (which they have to – just to survive in the modern competitive world), it grows important for their customers or various other users of the software or website should be able to get on board with a new or changed digital experience easily.

Both Userpilot and Appcues do that. However, they are two very different solutions – with each having its own challenges and advantages. This article will draw the comparison between them in detail.

  • Implementation of the tool

The first and one of the most important criteria for comparing two tools like Userpilot and Appcues is implementation. In this regard, the User pilot has a very infamous limitation. It is notorious for being difficult to implement and always resulting in bugs (that can often result in in-app and web crashes). Compared to the same, Appcues is a much better alternative to this score. However, some users have found it compulsory to hire technical support to implement this tool as well.

  • Pricing

When it comes to prices, both Userpilot and Appcues struggle to provide affordable packages. There are more inexpensive alternatives available in the market that may be easier to use.

  • Learning curve

Another criterion on which both usernet and Appcues struggle is in terms of a learning curve. Any new tool needs some time to adopt and learn – even if the tool in the question is itself meant to facilitate adoption. However, one should expect this learning curve to be smoother when it comes to tools means to help users, customers, or employees get on board. Neither Userpilot nor Appcues offer a smooth and easy learning experience.

  • Customization

When it comes to customization options which is an important criterion for choosing between various user walkthrough tools, Userpilot lags behind various other alternatives like Appcues; this is a major limitation of Userpilot as there is no ‘one size that fits all’ in this industry and customization abilities are one of the benchmarks for determining the strength of a tool.

  •  Multilingual support

One of the most annoying things about Appcues is that there is no multi-language support in their basic model. Only enterprise solutions offer these features, which can be a major lack of insight. Userpilot, on the other hand, has this covered – as with most of the other major players in the industry.

  • Free trial

Bother Userpilot and Appcues do equally well, offering a default 14 days trial period, after which the user must shift to one of the plans or stop using the tool.

  • Features

Appcues offer far superior options and tooltips when compared to Userpilot. One can easily use options like checklists, interactive walkthroughs, etc. – that is, after one has figured out how to use the tool.

The Bottom Line

One can easily wrap up the above discussion by concluding that it is crucial that one should be careful when choosing between Userpilot and Appcues – or various other alternatives of these tools. It is important that one should draw comparisons between them and reflect on what features one’s enterprise is going to need the most and determine accordingly. Either way, it is important that the company one goes for is well-established. The online reviews by the other customers of the company can be a great help in this regard. It is highly advised that any potential customers should go through both the negative and positive reviews of all the alternatives before choosing the best company for themselves.